Funding mechanism and duration
PAPFor is financed through the 11th European Development Fund, under the supervision of CEDEAO and UEMOA, representing the beneficiary countries.
The duration of the programme is 5 years (2019-2024), with a provisional budget of 20 million euros.
93% of the budget is allocated to component 1 (field programme) and 7% to component 2 (regional convergence and coordination).
PAPFor has two main components:
Component 1 focuses on the sustainable management of Protected Areas and surrounding forests.
Component 2 focuses on regional convergence and coordination.
Component 1: Sustainable management of Protected Areas and surrounding forest lands
Through field programmes in 6 priority forest landscapes:
Outamba-Kilimi-Kuru Hills-Soya
Mt Nimba
Cross River

Component 2: Regional Convergence
As the majority of the remaining Guinean forests are in Liberia and as four of the six landscapes cover Liberia, the regional coordination of PAPFor is based in Monrovia.
The offices of the regional coordination are located at the Society for Conservation of Nature in Liberia and the structure will be light in structure.
Working closely with national administrations and regional institutions, and supporting the six landscapes, regional coordination focuses on three main outcomes:
Recognition of cross-border protected area complexes
Recognition of cross-border protected area complexes
Monitoring of the Programme
Background and Overview
The PAPFor is a three year transboundary project funded by the EU that is implemented between Sierra Leone and Liberia on the Gola landscape with three key strategic partners. On the side of Liberia, we have the Society for the Conservation of Nature in Liberia (SCNL) and on the side of Sierra Leone, we have the Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL) and Gola Rainforest Conservation Limited by Guarantee (GRCLG). The project is implemented in forest-edge communities in ten chiefdoms in Kenema, Pujehun, and Kailahun districts on both the Gola Rainforest National Park and the Kambui Hills Forest Reserve. Moving forward, the project is building on the existing work and experience of the previously ended WA BiCC project in the Gola Landscape and the JENSEN project in Kambui Hills Forest Reserve.
In the Gola Forest context, communities are still living in poverty, dependent on forest products. Ensuring the livelihoods of community members is absolutely essential to achieve the goals of conservation and must be integrated with conservation activities. This project incorporates some support to improve livelihoods through eco-tourism and a sustainable logging pilot but by itself, this project does not ensure the livelihoods of community members and we assume that other interventions in the landscape, including ongoing and planned projects, both by the partner organizations and others, will have to fill this gap.
To ensure that the Gola Landscape in Sierra Leone and Liberia is effectively managed by a cross-border partnership between governments, Civil-Society Organisations, and Communities.
More Info : https://cs-sl.org/project/papfor/