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Management of mangrove forests from Senegal to Benin"PAPBio C1-Mangroves"

The project aims to achieve integrated protection of biodiversity and fragile mangrove ecosystems in West Africa and their enhanced resilience to climatic changes.

As part of the implementation of the Regional Indicative Program (RIP) of the European Union in West Africa 2014–2020 (11th European Development Fund), in Priority Area 3: Resilience, food and nutritional security and natural resources, in consultation with ECOWAS and UEMOA, the Support Program for the Preservation of Biodiversity and Fragile Ecosystems, Environmental Governance and Climate Change in West Africa - PAPBio (ROC / FED / 039-269).

Component 2 of PAPBio - Management of mangrove forests from Senegal to Benin - PAPBio C1-Mangroves - aims to achieve integrated protection of the diversity and fragile ecosystems of the mangrove in 9 West African countries and better resilience to climate change.

More specifically, the project will strengthen stakeholders in the management of protected areas and unprotected mangrove sites. The objective is to link governance and production systems to mangrove conservation structures at the territorial level.

As part of its implementation, the PAPBio C1-Mangroves project has set up a grant mechanism to support local initiatives for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources at the landscape level. The objective is to set up a subsidy fund to support concrete initiatives at the landscape level. Four landscapes make up the geographical distribution of the project:

  • Grand Saloum: Saloum (Senegal), Gambia;

  • Rios do Sul: Casamance (Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Guinea);

  • Grand Mano (Sierra Leone, Liberia);

  • Mono Volta (Benin, Togo, Ghana)

  • Rios do Sul: Casamance (Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Guinea);

  • Grand Mano (Sierra Leone, Liberia);

  • Mono Volta (Benin, Togo, Ghana).


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