Source of funds: 10th EDF (CRIS ref: 2013/022-795)
Decision date: 30/07/2013 (FA signature: 22/11/2013)
Total budget: 29.33 MEUR (EU - 27 MEUR; counterpart - 2.33 MEUR)
Implementing period: 84 months (2013– 2020)
Implementing agencies: ECOWAS (grant), Technical Assistance (service contract), UNDP Nigeria
(contribution agreement on small arms collection) Small grants to CSOs in the
support of peace-building activities
Geographical region: West Africa
Project Managers: Enobong MOMA;
The Overall Objective of the intervention is to contribute to building and maintaining Peace, Security and
Stability in West Africa to ensure conditions of development by supporting the Economic Community of West
African States (ECOWAS) to execute its conflict prevention and resolution mandate in a sustainable way.
Expected results:
· Strengthened institutional and managerial capacity of the ECOWAS Commission, i.e. the Department for
Political Affairs, Peace and Security and the Peace Fund, to effectively execute its peace and security
· Plans of Action of selected components of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework (ECPF)
developed and implemented.
Main activities:
· Training and capacity building activities of ECOWAS Commission Department for Political Affairs, Peace
and Security and Peace Fund to coordinate, plan and manage activities and resources and strengthen
internal expertise in selected thematic areas of the ECPF;
· Enhancing the capacity of the ECOWAS Standby Force.
Main accomplishments to date
· Recruitment of 6 Professional Staff (Maritime Security and Safety Officer, Head of Mission support
component, Head of Civilian component, Programme Officer Rostering and Training; Maritime Legal and
Policy officer and Stockpiling Management Specialist);
· Validation meetings for reports of the 4 short term experts' missions – mapping of CSOs active in the
Peace and Security area in West Africa; review of business processes at PAPS; development of a webbased
monitoring and evaluation system and elaboration of plans of action for the 15 components of
the ECPF;
· Support to security sector reform in the Gambia via the deployment of a medium-term Technical
Assistant (TA);
· Three small grants to CSOs on cross-border peac-building initiatives in Nigeria and Mali have been
successfully implemented. Two of the grants were to address issues related to peacebuilding activities,
particularly as regards the ongoing Farmer/Herdsmen conflicts in the selected states in Nigeria;
· Regional workshop on the role of the Media in Peace and Security held successfully;
· Launch of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework Plans of Action conducted successfully;
· Member States Validation Workshop on 3 ECOWAS Standby Force Draft Documents at held in January
Main issues
· Grant towards the formal integration of Nigeria into the regional small arms project: LITE-AFRICA has been
identified as an alternative implementing partner to the UNDP and launch of the programme activities
anticipated first quarter of 2020.