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ECOWAS Commission President (RAO) new Chairman of the Africa Union Inter-Regional Economic Commissions Coordination plateform.

The President of ECCAS Commission handed over to ECOWAS Commission President (the Regional Authorising Officer - RAO) the chairmanship of the Africa Union Inter-Regional Economic Commissions Coordination plateform this Friday 16th February 2024..

At the opening, His Excellency Gilberto Verissimo emphasized the fact that his mandate was essentially institutionalization of the plateform of RECs.

He said all documents to regulate the functioning of the plateform have been developed for adoption and he wish that ECOWAS will continue to reinforce the collaboration between the Regional Economic Communities.

The newly elected coordinator of RECs HE Dr Omar Alieu Touray, during his acceptance address congratulated ECCAS for putting together the RECs on this plateform.

He presented the priorities of his term as:

- reinforcement of solidarity between RECs and with the AU

- ⁠leveraging on innovation

- ⁠sharing of information and knowledge

- ⁠support division of labor between AU, RECs-RMs and members states.

At the event all the CEOs of RECs were present: ECOWAS, ECCAS, IGAD, COMESA, EAC, CENSAD, UMA, and SADC.

African Union Headquarter, Addis-Abeba, Éthiopie.



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