Source of funds: 11th EDF (CRIS ref.: FED/2016/039-218)
Decision date: 28/04/2017 (ROC/FED/039-384)
Total budget: 38 MEUR
Implementation period: 60 months from the FA signature ending on 15/06/2022
Implementing Agency: ECOWAS, WAEMU + National elements for all ECOWAS countries
Geographical Area: West Africa
The overall goal of the program is to contribute to the emergence of a regional system of long-term, efficient
and safe road transport, as a factor of development of stability and regional integration.
The specific objective of the project is to develop institutional and regulatory capacities to continue
strengthening the management capacities of Governments and related agencies, to guide the implementation
of administrative and technical aspects of transport facilitation, and improve maintenance of the regional
network and its sustainability by the cessation of overloading. The project will also support road safety. The
project will contribute to the emergence of a regional strategy to improve sectoral governance in road transport
politically and economically in a realistic manner, common to ECOWAS and UEMOA, thereby promoting
harmonisation and synchronisation of national policies.
Expected Results: 1) The sustainability of the road investments; 2) The decrease in the prices of the Inter -State
road transport; 3)Introducing Asset management practices for an early warning and prioritising maintenance; 4)
Setting up road safety measures aimed at tackling the huge challenges of thousands of deaths on the roads.
Main Activities:
· Implementation is yet to start.
Main Accomplishment to date:
· For the implementation of the Regional Component, the procurement process for the Technical
Assistance (TA) has been completed and awarded. Contract is under preparation.