The Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Republic of Niger, the Republic of Benin, the Republic of Burkina Faso and the West African Power Pool (WAPP) received co-financing in the amount of 567.5million US dollars, from the African Development Bank (ADF & TAF), the World Bank (IDA) and the French Development Agency (AFD), to finance the joint implementation of the 330kV Regional Interconnection Project –WAPP Dorsale Nord/North Core.The ADB's contribution to the financing of Niger and Burkina Faso under this Project is 82.4 million Units of Account (UA), of which 20.52 million (UA) in the form of a grant.
Country: Multinational (Nigeria–Niger–Benin–Burkina Faso)Project Name: Nigeria-Niger-Benin-Burkina Faso Power Interconnection ProjectWAPP-North Core/ WAPP-North CoreProject Identification Numbers: P-Z1-FAO-119-FAD & P-Z1-FAO-146-FAD
1. The Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Republic of Niger, the Republic of Benin, theRepublic of Burkina Faso and the West African Power Pool(WAPP/WAPP) received co-financing in the amount of US$567.5 million from theAfrican Development Bank (ADF & TSF), the World Bank (IDA) andthe French Development Agency (AFD), to finance the joint implementation of theRegional Interconnection Project 330kV–WAPPDorsale Nord/North Core.The contribution of theAfDB to the financing of Niger and Burkina Faso within the framework of this Project is 82.4 millionUnits of Account (UA) of which 20.52 million (UA) in the form of grants.2.
The Main Objectives of the Project are:(i) Increase the capacity for electrical energy exchanges between Nigeria, Niger, theBenin and Burkina Faso(ii) Reduce the cost of electricity in Niger, Benin, and Burkina Faso(iii) Increase access to electricity in Niger and Burkina Faso.A stage of prequalification of the Companies is required for the eleven (11) Contracts plannedunder Component 1 of the Project and which will be awarded following a processOpen International Tender.
3. The Project Components are as follows:Component 1: 330kV Electrical Interconnection between Nigeria, Niger, Benin and BurkinaFaso (500.0 million US dollars, including 95.6 million US dollars for the AfDB) comprising:(i) Construction of 875 km of 330 kV double-circuit line, 9 km of 225 kV linedouble circuit and 15 km of 225kV single circuit line.(ii) The extension of two existing posts (Gorou Banda in Niger and Malanville in Benin) andthe construction of two new 330kV substations (ZaboriauNiger, Ouaga-EstauBurkinaFaso) and a 225kV substation (Ouaga-Sud-Est in Burkina Faso) as well as the installationcompensation equipment required for Synchronization of the electrical networkinterconnected WAPP/WAPP.(iii) Upgrading SCADA systems in Burkina Faso and Benin/Togo for thesupervision of the five Project posts (Zabori, Malanville, Gorou Banda, Ouaga-Est,Ouaga-South-East).
Component 2: Rural Electrification in Niger in Burkina Faso coupled with the Regional ProjectDorsal North/North Core Interconnection, will be implemented separately byNIGELECand SONABEL (Respective national electricity companies of Niger and BurkinaFaso)Component
3: Institutional Framework and Project Supervision (60.8 million US dollars,of which 20.8 million US dollars for the AfDB) Including:(i) Implementation of Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP) and PlansResettlement Action Plan (RAP) with the exception of Nigeria for which the costs will befunded by the Government.(ii) Operation of the Project Management Unit (PMU).(iii) Supervision of the implementation of the Project through the services of a Consulting EngineerComponent
4: Strengthening the institutional capacities of the Regional Electricity Market(10.0 million US dollars, of which 3.3 million US dollars from the AfDB for Burkina Faso), including:(i) Training for institutional capacity building for the regional market forelectricity in West Africa from the countries concerned by the Project.(ii) Technical assistance for strengthening the institutional framework of the regional market forelectricity(iii) Strengthening training capacities in Burkina Faso, through the upgrading ofISGE laboratory and the SONABEL vocational training center.4. The procurement of Goods and/or Works and services funded by the AfDB will bein accordance with the Bank's rules and procedures. The Tender Documents will bepublished in September 2019.
5. Interested Companies can obtain further information by confirming their interest by contacting:West African Power PoolAtt. Siengui A. KI, Secretary GeneralPK6, Embassy Zone, Akpakpa-06 BP 2907 Cotonou, BeninPhone: (+229) 21 37 41 95 / (+229) 95 28 46 02Fax: (+229) 21 37 41 96 / 71 44Email: